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The secret of Olive Tree
Brief History of the Olive Tree
The olive tree (Olea europaea) is a tree originally from the coastal areas of the eastern Mediterranean and central Asia. It grows best in a seaside climates where soil is chalky, hot season is longer and winters are milder.
The ancient Greeks found all parts of the tree to be useful and began farming it. The wood is hard and has been used to make furniture, the olive tree’s fruit and leaves heve high concentrations of oleuropein, a bitter phenolic compound that is believed to have many potential health benefits.
Oleuropein: the olive trees's secret weapon
Oleuropein naturally occurs in olive fruit and olive leaves and it can do amazing things for your health. International studies showed that it helps maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, it is a powerful natural antioxidant (anti-age and free radical svavenger) which can be used as a good preventative measure for general health and wellness. and it is recommended for the support of immune defenses.
Olive oils vs Olive leaf extract
Olive oil and olive leaf extract are not the same thing; They both contain relevant amounts of oleuropein. Olive oil is derived from the fruit, while olive leaf extract is extracted from its leaves. Olive oil is most commonly used in cooking due to its pleasant taste and is important part of the healthy Mediterranean Diet.
There are many advantages to taking an olive leaf supplement in addition to consuming olive oil in your diet. The biggest is that it allows you to increase your daily intake of oleuropein without having to consume large amounts of olive oil daily. It’s important to look for a high quality olive leaf oil extract that has been processed without the use of solvents or chemicals.